—explore bioresonance & reiki

Discover and Explore a Frequency Healing

Welcome to the world of bioresonance and reiki therapy! Come with me on a journey as I share with you what I know to be true about this therapy, how it works, some of the history, what it does exactly and how it may be of benefit to you.

Bioresonance and reiki therapy works by offering a profound approach  to healing where everything is aimed at restoring our innate self healing ability, re-educating, re-establishing and reminding us of our own intrinsic abilities in the direction of wellness, allowing us to promote positive experiences and expand our consciousness and transform our lives. We embrace the art of healing as a profound journey of transformation, not just a remedy for discomfort and our approach blends ancient wisdom.

Let me walk you through a bioresonance and reiki session to give a basic understanding of that to expect. Imagine this – you are at home, in your most comfortable, safe and supportive environment. You have dedicated at least an hour and half where you will not be disturbed and are able to lay down and relax, having hydrated with some good quality filtered water.

"As the roaring demands of the world begin to fade away, we connect to the quiet whispers of your heart, creating a peaceful sanctuary within."


This is your time. This is your space. For just a little while, this is all about you.

As the roaring demands of the world begin to fade away, we connect in with a zoom call or sending voice messages if you prefer to be offline. You can share with me at this time your intention or your reason for booking your session and together we dive into the session. In this moment we connect to the quiet whispers of your heart, creating a peaceful sanctuary within.

Once we are calibrated in the quantum field, the healing and alignment begins to happen. The body is so very intelligent and always knows exactly what protocols are the priority on that day so once the body scan is complete, the protocols get to work. Bio-resonance and Reiki combined have a focus on treating the whole person, not just giving symptom relief. It is not a band-aid approach, rather it goes deep into the root cause and creates the energetic change and transformation from that place.

Our ailments in our bodies are usually caused by some sort of imbalance. This could be from environmental factors, toxic environments and so very often suppressed emotions. When we are able to go deep in the session and get to the root cause and not just addressing the symptoms that often come with side effects.

As we go through the session, you may feel tingling or heat, coolness or any other physical sensation or sometimes nothing at all. There is no right or wrong with Bio-resonance and Reiki, it is simply trusting in the process and allowing the body to be in a state of receptivity to release what is ready to be released and allowing the body to come back into alignment and heal itself.

Electro Magnetic  Frequencies (EMF) are all around us. When we touch something and we feel a zap, electromagnetic frequency. When we connect to the WIFI, electromagnetic frequency. I love that we can enhance and change our frequency with so many factors in our control. There are so many that are out of our control but when it comes to healing, we are being very intentional with our thoughts, our actions and what we would like to heal. We all made up of energy, we are surrounded by energy, everything we are and experience is energy. When we activate the healing properties, we are adding good frequency and vibration to the field, we are using the EMF to our advantage and getting our bodies into a state of homeostasis where are bodies are able to do what they need to do to heal aliments and get the body back into healthy alignment.

I love to think of trusting in the unseen with this work, just as we do with WIFI.

We cannot see it but we know it is there and it is available to us all at any time. When we understand and know deep down that everything is energy, we take back our personal power and are able to tap into the flow of the unseen.

Bioresonance and reiki is not a new therapy, it has a very long lineage of history and has been used to help people to for many, many years. It is only in the last century or so that science and technology have been able to connect with this potential. Working in the quantum field, we are able to tap into our intelligent energy field. Our bodies are more intelligent than we can ever know or will ever truly understand. When we stop and think about what a miracle it is that we are here, how all those elements came together as just the right time to make us the human we are today – it is a very underrated part of our life.

Bioresonance was first created in 1970 as Dr. Franz Morell, a German medical doctor, used the idea of homeopathic remedies to come up with his concept that there could be electromagnetic signals from the body. Homeopathy believes that liquid contains memory; no matter how diluted a substance is, it can still be traced in that liquid.

As humans, we are made up of 70% water (hence why I mention a few times of the importance of good quality filtered water!) Dr. Franz Morell believed that the body could store information and that it was possible to get it electronically. Together with his son-in-law, Erich Rasche, who was an electronics engineer, they began developing a solution that would relay electromagnetic waves and here we are today.

One of my favourite protocols which I will always run for every session is the Scalar.

Put simply, the scalar helps to get our magnets of life spinning the right way so we are able to attract and experience life in flow.

When our magnets are spinning incorrectly that is often when we are facing big challenge and physical health issues. History suggests that it was in the mid 1800’s, before Dr Morell’s time, Scottish scientist James Clerk Maxwell, discovered the electric and magnetic fields, where he describes linking electricity and magnetism which  formed the basis of modern physics today. He was the first scientist to present the theoretical possibility of scalar waves.  As his electromagnetic concepts were developed further by early scientists including Heinrich Hertz, it unfortunately was disregarded for being 'too mystical' and physically unmanifest, and therefore ineffectual.  While this couldn’t be further from the truth, it took half a century longer to begin to discover the true potent power of scalar waves.

The next scientist who tackled the energy field was Nikola Tesla. Nikola Telsa was a Serbian-American inventor, physicist, electrical engineer, and the inventor of radio and the alternating current (AC) where he accidentally rediscovered scalar waves while experimenting with violently abrupt direct current (DC) electrical charges.  Tesla’s experiments built upon the work of Maxwell’s electromagnetic theories and the work of German physicist Heinrich.

In the early 1900’s (1904), Tesla work has seen him develop transmitters to move energy back and forth while bypassing time and space with no need for wires, he found a way to tap into the quantum field and shift energy, having the ability to move energy from one place to another through hyperspace.  Tesla unfortunately never received the funding he needed back then to continue developing his work but it has since been expanded and we are seeing signs of this being a part of our future. While so much is still unknown about the energetic space, what is known is the power that it holds to help us holistically bring our energy back into alignment, allowing our bodies to heal and vibrate at a higher frequency, allowing us to be more magnetic and energised during our human experience.

This therapy works with our energetic body in the quantum field. I believe that in the future this will be our way forward with so many scientific discoveries coming to light. There is a sense of the more we seek the more we will find. I am by no means a physis but when you can understand the simple nature of energy and that we have a magnetic attraction to certain things, people, please, that is coming from somewhere we cannot see. We resonate with a certain feeling or idea, something energise us and something deplete our energy – both is giving us valuable information about our energetic state and capacity.

Researchers are still uncovering the many benefits of this ancient healing method, and its use with conditions like anxiety, depression, pain, stress reduction and management, improved sleep and circulation and this is only beginning. Whether you’re looking to restore balance and harmony or address specific issues, it has the potential to help so many.

I have personally seen in my own life experience and with my clients major shifts and changes in their wellness.

For me, the proof is in the pudding. Energy healing, bioresonance and reiki sessions are really the icing on the cake as it is able to easily, gently and effectively get to the root cause of an issue. Some of the experiences I have personally had and have seen my clients experience, are beyond any kind of testimonial and the ripple effect of this work is something that I hope in the future will be able to be measured.

We currently experience the effects of electrical and magnetic energies so much in our everyday lives today. The electrical signals from nerves and muscles in EEF and ECG testing, emissions of TV, PC Screens, X-rays, MRI’s, radiation cancer cell treatment the list is endless.

When science and healing meets, something incredible happens. A scientist seeks to know. A doctor seeks to educate through medicine. A healer seeks to heal and secondary to know.

All must play their part in our healing journey. We need our scientists, our doctors and our healers and the sweet spot is when that all comes together. Bioresonance and reiki is designed to support the healing journey and it is a complimentary therapy that can be used in conjunction with Western medicine to truly enhance patients experiences and promote deep healing not just of symptoms but at the root cause.

As you can see, there is so much science behind the magic!! A bioresonance and reiki session incorporates the whole body for a healing experience. It factors in the complex interaction for the human body using four simple truths:

1.    Things never repeat.

2.    Small events can have large effects.

3.    The whole is more than a sum of its parts.

4.    Analysis of the whole can be intuited or felt but not by analysis of parts.

Healing takes place in our bodies through our unconscious mind, when our nervous system is relaxed and in a state of receptivity. We feel safe, calm and connected we are able to allow healing to happen on all levels. Integration is a very important part of the art of healing. It is through the integration that our bodies are able to come back into alignment with the innate wisdom within. This is maximised when we do seek to intellectually force it but allow it to release, renew and restore. The more calm and relaxed you are, the more safe you feel the more beneficial the healing will be.

Our body is always generating an energetic frequency. Everything is energy! When we change our energy, we are able to change our lives and our health.

I believe there is so much science backing energy healing and the more I personally experience this personally and as a practitioner, the more that it continually blows my mind. We are only just getting started in this space and with technology and science moving so fast, I think this will be such an interesting space to watch in the future because there will be so many advancements.

I believe that the most powerful experience however is that of your own lived experience. If you are looking for a sign to book your first energy healing or bioresonance and reiki session – this is it! You will not fully know what is like until you try it first hand and I have never had the same experience twice. It is such an incredible expansive experience and energy never lies! 

Bioresonance and reiki sessions really are helpful to everyone. It is universal and has the ability to help so many people and my clients range from children to senior adults and due to the nature of the therapy, it is also safe and effective for animals. As there is no talk therapy or words that need to be expressed, working the quantum field is perfect for anyone who is just starting on their healing journeys and equally perfect for anyone who is deep into their healing journey and wanting to clear anything that words cannot describe.

Bioresonance and reiki helps with many health challenges and treatment plans and protocols can be made for anyone who is working on a particular health issue. This usually looks like a series of sessions with our intention being to help heal and shift an ailment. I have previously helped clients to move through major health issues and life changes using bioresonance and reiki. I like to think of it as a health enhancer, working with traditional medical treatments and as an early intervention or preventative treatment.

The ripple effect of this work is so huge. I am noticing a huge improvement in my clients overall health and wellness particularly with regular sessions and solid intentions. So much shifts and changes during these sessions, brining you back into alignment and allowing the body to heal itself.

With a bioresonance and reiki session, you can expect to feel very relaxed. You may feel tired or energised, you may feel many sensations as I mentioned earlier, hot, cold, heavy or light. Anything and everything is welcome and I invite my clients to be an observer and that everything is welcome during this session.

My advice is always for you to have some space after the session for the integration to happen, allowing room  for rest and restoration as this ensure you will have maximum benefits of the session, please take it easy after a session and have some time in nature, a gentle walk, a bath — whatever your heart feels called to do to continue to nurture yourself and allow the integration to happen. I will also give you some suggestions post session of integration activities.

This time is all about you and I want you to have most positive experience possible.

As for the amount of sessions required, I recommend you having an initial session where will we are able to come up with a treatment plan according to what you need and what will work best for you and your circumstances. It really is a tailored healing experience, just for you.

The thing I love most about the bioresonance and reiki session is it is so gentle yet so profound and can be done anywhere in the world. It is safe and effective for all ages, children, teenagers, adults, seniors and even animals.

Energy healing and working with us at Gold Soul Therapy is not only for people who are spiritual! I have many clients who are top performing executives, athletes and doing such great things in the world that do not relate to being a “hippie” or “spiritual”. Some of the most spiritual people I know are yet to realise just how spiritual they actually are. We are all made up of energy and when we change our energy, we change our life.

Bioresonance and reiki sessions are perfect for anyone wanting to upgrade or expand their consciousness but do not want to talk about it, to feel more aligned and have their body, mind and soul working together. I also recommend these sessions for anyone who is pre / post surgery as it ill help to assist with the recover and speeds up the recovery process.

Bioresonance and reiki is not a quick fix. It will instantly help you to align and your body to heal but it will do so in its own time and space. You will always have free will and while the energy will be aligned when you leave the session, it will not fix everything in one session.

What it will do is give you more space and grace in your life allowing a new way forward. Things will change in big and small ways, you may even find yourself trying something new and creating your life from the expanded possibility, just like I am.

In summary, a bioresonance and reiki session is an enhancer of wellness and health and works in conjunction with your life as a whole. I think that is what makes bioresonance and reiki sessions so unique they are wonderful and so complimentary. A bioresonance and reiki session unblocks the blockages in our energy flow and allows the support of energetic – it is here to assist and not replace.

Today, I extend to you a big heart felt healing invitation. By stepping into a bioesonance and reiki session you are taking a step into a world where anything is possible. You are stepping into the flow of life and you can come with a solid intention. Bioresonance and reiki with enhance your healing journey in ways that you will see and in ways that you will not, in all level of your mind, body and soul.

Being in the flow of life and having energetic alignment helps to move forward with personal transformation with much expansive energy, with so much ease and grace. By changing our energetic state we are able to change so much – a different thought can totally alter our response to life situations.

As the butterfly effect suggests, the ripple effect will never be known from the flapping of butterfly wings in New York City that initiates a chain of events to result in a storm in Asia.

Bioresonance and reiki is here to support you and assist you on your journey as a total being, treating all five bodies - our physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic bodies.

No matter what you are facing in your life right now, there is no better time to step into a bioresonance and reiki session to help you move forward, to expand, grow, heal and align. With bioresonance and reiki anything is possible!

When we change our energy, we change our life and are able to create a life we truly love and that most importantly feels in alignment, brining so much peace and clarity.

I look forward to holding space for you very soon.

When things are balanced, beauty can emerge. Life flows easier and we have much more fun, feel more love and joy when we are balanced and aligned. It is the sweet spot.

With 2025 setting the stage for a year of focusing on mind, body and soul connection, being aware of how it feels to be off balance and knowing how to restore this balance with self care, patience, love, compassion and presence, bringing your life back into balance. 

I am always here to support you with on this journey!

Wishing you so much love and healing today and always xx


—summer of grace

